Como podem ver pela data, a carta já está escrita, mas ainda não foi entregue. Escrevo isto aqui, porque acho importante partilhar esta experiência. Vou trabalhar hoje, no bar, quatro horas, e faço as limpezas no bar amanhã por mais 4 horas. Depois entro uma semana de férias. Domingo, dia 29 de Junho, entrgarei a carta em mãos à gerente. Aqueles que se virem com dificuldades em perceber o inglês e caso tenham vergonha, comentem precisamente isso, que prometo apagar o vosso comentário e fazer mais um texto, desta vez, traduzido para a Língua que nos sabe melhor.
Worcester, 29th June 2008
I, Carlos Balbino, employee of the Prezzo PLC Company, come by this means letting you know that I quit my job as a barman in the Immo Restaurant in Worcester. I have been humiliated, denied help when I asked for it, never motivated, and always told off when did a mistake by the Worcester Immo’s assistant manager. And one of my friends who worked in the same restaurant I work committed suicide due to the stress he was having, something I can not deal with.
After talking with the new manager in charge twice, I had a meeting with the assistant manager, supervisor and manager, in which I was given a Recorded Written Warning for insubordination towards the assistant manager.
On Moday the 16th June, I had my first day as a waiter working with the assistant manager only. I was denied help all the time from the assistant manager who was too busy watching internet videos, making phone calls, talking, wandering around the restaurant and sitting in the sofas while I was doing the job. By the end of the night, after serving all the costumers, closing the bar and cleaning the toilets I was told to clean the floor before doing the cutlery. As it nearly was 23:00 and the assistant manager was willing to wait, since he is a very patient person, I refused to follow his orders because I was doing all the tasks on my own and as a barman, I know cutlery is my priority. If other staff people, who were not working, didn’t show up and started doing the floor under his instrutions he would still watch me doing all the job on my own like he did the whole night. And that was my insoburdination.
The previous day, Sunday the 15th I watched him and his brother (supervisor) just talking and using internet for three hours. Not to mention the times they went out to shop for they breakfast and other ways corruption. I did my job in the bar (cleaning the whole bar) and was never helped, once again by the two staff members hierarchily straight above me, who said in the meeting that I left the bar dirty with candle wax.
The manager never protected me and agreed with all their objections and complains which are from shifts she was not present, even if she agrees I’m competent when working on her shifts. I explained her more than once I was denied help and I was doing the work on my own. Still, she agreed with the supervisor and assistant manager in charging me of insubordination.
I am not complaining, I am quitting and giving solid reasons.
As I’ve told the manager before, I first joined the company in November 2007 as a kitchen cheff but quit two months later because of my student timetable. I was offered a place as a barman in March by the previous manager, Roberto Alesi, who likes me and trusted me to do the job. I also had some conflicts with him, because I was doing some of the stuff that the assistant manager was telling me to do, as later I understood that my job was following the manager’s orders and no-one elses. I never applied for the job and never betrayed the company. As the team work in fact doesn’t exist, I quit because once I was working for a company and now I was working for a person, who is not even the owner of the restaurant.
Worcester, 29th June 2008
I, Carlos Balbino, employee of the Prezzo PLC Company, come by this means letting you know that I quit my job as a barman in the Immo Restaurant in Worcester. I have been humiliated, denied help when I asked for it, never motivated, and always told off when did a mistake by the Worcester Immo’s assistant manager. And one of my friends who worked in the same restaurant I work committed suicide due to the stress he was having, something I can not deal with.
After talking with the new manager in charge twice, I had a meeting with the assistant manager, supervisor and manager, in which I was given a Recorded Written Warning for insubordination towards the assistant manager.
On Moday the 16th June, I had my first day as a waiter working with the assistant manager only. I was denied help all the time from the assistant manager who was too busy watching internet videos, making phone calls, talking, wandering around the restaurant and sitting in the sofas while I was doing the job. By the end of the night, after serving all the costumers, closing the bar and cleaning the toilets I was told to clean the floor before doing the cutlery. As it nearly was 23:00 and the assistant manager was willing to wait, since he is a very patient person, I refused to follow his orders because I was doing all the tasks on my own and as a barman, I know cutlery is my priority. If other staff people, who were not working, didn’t show up and started doing the floor under his instrutions he would still watch me doing all the job on my own like he did the whole night. And that was my insoburdination.
The previous day, Sunday the 15th I watched him and his brother (supervisor) just talking and using internet for three hours. Not to mention the times they went out to shop for they breakfast and other ways corruption. I did my job in the bar (cleaning the whole bar) and was never helped, once again by the two staff members hierarchily straight above me, who said in the meeting that I left the bar dirty with candle wax.
The manager never protected me and agreed with all their objections and complains which are from shifts she was not present, even if she agrees I’m competent when working on her shifts. I explained her more than once I was denied help and I was doing the work on my own. Still, she agreed with the supervisor and assistant manager in charging me of insubordination.
I am not complaining, I am quitting and giving solid reasons.
As I’ve told the manager before, I first joined the company in November 2007 as a kitchen cheff but quit two months later because of my student timetable. I was offered a place as a barman in March by the previous manager, Roberto Alesi, who likes me and trusted me to do the job. I also had some conflicts with him, because I was doing some of the stuff that the assistant manager was telling me to do, as later I understood that my job was following the manager’s orders and no-one elses. I never applied for the job and never betrayed the company. As the team work in fact doesn’t exist, I quit because once I was working for a company and now I was working for a person, who is not even the owner of the restaurant.
In your face, asshole!
fuck yeah.
Agora sabendo a versão por inteiro, na língua do país onde passas por isso... hum... Este não é um texto imaginado com a tua creatividade sensível... Entristece-me que seja realidade aquilo que foram fazendo pelo IMMO... Não te vendes tal como o disse naquela conversa de ontem, que me fez tão bem! =) Beijão meu amor
Ma nada!
Devias ter terminado com um: "Fuck You.. but have a nice day!"
Screw you guys... I'm going home!
Bem...estás melhor cá "fora" do que lá dentro! Boa sorte agora na procura por outro emprego :)
Ena pá! Tenho andado mesmo arredada destas bandas! Lamento saber isto e espero sinceramente que arranje coisa melhor... e mais calma e com menos stress e patrões e "managers" mais humanos!
A minha solidariedade de demissionária também!
Mai nada!
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