As cócegas podem fazer rir, mas também podem irritar muita gente.

"Seja bem-vindo quem vier por bem!" e "se à porta humildemente bate alguém, senta-se à mesa com a gente!"

Recomendação Sonora

Friday 13 February 2009

Progress Meeting with Carlos Balbino

Date: Wednesday, 11 February 2009
Present: G McAlpine, B Mackintosh and R Beckley.

It was confirmed that Carlos passed the first Acting Module but with low marks [43/80] and this meeting had been arranged in order to discuss positively the steps that needed to be taken in Term 2 in order to improve results.

- Establish clarity and understanding on what is being asked and required.
- Must let tutors know if Carlos feels outside of the group or is struggling.
- Take chances but not always individually also as part of a group.
- Ask questions.
- Keep positive and buoyant.
- Listen to complete instructions and focus on the whole task.
- Knows how to do work - needs to be pointed in right direction.

Carlos has started to confirm with tutors what is being asked or required and feels he is more aware of what he needs to do. [oh yeah, baby!]

All present were very positive that considerable improvements can be made if the above steps are taken.

To be reviewed at the end of Term 2.
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É altura de deixar de ser um potencial talento.
Falamos daqui a seis semanas.

1 comment:

Woody said...

Boa sorte para o próximo semestre!
