As cócegas podem fazer rir, mas também podem irritar muita gente.

"Seja bem-vindo quem vier por bem!" e "se à porta humildemente bate alguém, senta-se à mesa com a gente!"

Recomendação Sonora

Saturday 30 May 2009

How To Build a Poet

Try to write a poem before you fall asleep and you will be amazed. This person inside of you will come out and tell everything that you need to hear, all the answers to your questions and desires. That person will have a fair perspective on reality and shall direct you to the way you need to go, in the language you most comprehend. People will read those pieces of poetry and like them, want to be close to the person who wrote them, want to get to know you better.

And the best part is you can sign it and claim it yours, like a thieve going mad, that hears voices inside his skull and no one would believed even if you said it's someone else's words. Like your only witness is yourself, like a criminal that only does good and is going in... Locked up. Locked in. Inside the bars he built himself and can never destroy inside his head. Locked up in his own freedom.

Do this and you have just built a poet.

Wednesday 27 May 2009


Ok, we've done our showing. Now I really need to start doing my workbook.

But first the forty winks...

And then some Tom & Jerry...

And then something else before I actually start doing it.

Life is too good to spend it doing something that last term didn't even get a tick.



Monday 25 May 2009

Tom and Jerry

Tu Nao Existes

Comecei por querer mudar aquilo que os meus pais criaram mesmo sem querer. A correr para longe, porque a palavra casa nao era um refugio, era uma trincheira, porque parar e morrer e o abraco do pai e um sufoco. A mae entregou-se as areias do tempo, e de tanto chorar transformou-se ela propria numa lagrima salgada que pode ser de portuguesa ou pode ser so de tristeza. Foi a alta velocidade que sai do sitio aonde ninguem me expulsou, mas tambem aonde ninguem me queria, sem amor, so terror e medo, muito medo.

Que o odio so e sentido por aqueles que amaram ate serem traidos.

Agora corro numa passadeira de ginasio, vendo a mulher a minha frente mudar de cor de cabelo, cor de pele, olhos, sorriso, sotaque, lingua, e cheiro, enquanto o meu corpo trabalha pela mente, trabalhando, trabalhando. O suor do passado sai-me dos poros do presente matando-me cansado no futuro. Alcancarei o infinito, ja que meio infinito percorri, e continuarei a correr, a correr em direccao oposta ao sitio de onde vim.

Que o infinito e um ponto que vem do nada atravessando-me em direccao a outro nada; e eu sou um ponto.

Mas levo este ponto as extremidades, como um cao preso a uma estaca num quintal, em circulos, ladrando louco e raivoso, tentando deslocar a estaca, puxando e puxando enquanto se lhe aperta a corrente no pescoco. E um monstro revoltado com a sua propria existencia, mordendo e lambendo quem lhe estende a mao, muitas vezes lambendo as pessoas erradas e outras mordendo as pessoas certas.

Esse passaro que bate as asas em direccao ao sol, que ja nem penas tem, e continua a bate-las, que sabe que vai cair como muitos outros caem a seu lado, mas que continua, continua! Porque nao precisa de penas para voar, nao precisa sequer das asas, que ele e um passaro e a sua condicao lhe basta, que o destino e urgente e as origens um inferno.

Mudam-se os beijos, o perfume da mulher na minha cama, as formas do corpo a que abraco enquanto penetro, o sabor dos liquidos que de la saem, so para mostrar que ninguem nasce virgem, que a virgindade e um estado que se alcanca com a calma e muito amor. Que a virgem com quem faco agora amor escusa mais de dormir comigo, porque ja nao tem nada a provar. Escusa de me chamar seu, ou eu lembrar-me dela quando com outras mulheres e homens durmo, deixando-me levar neste mar que me suporta massajando a minha paz interior e tornando-me forte na minha fraqueza do corpo. Que este corpo e uma ferramenta tao, mas tao fraca para aquilo que eu quero. Essa virgem nao precisa de dizer nada, porque nem aquelas palavras vao mudar a minha vontade. E nem os meus pais, os meus seguidores sanguinarios vao conseguir destruir esta vontade de que tenho de devorar a minha virgem com a mente. Nem Deus nem o Diabo multiplicados pela forca do infinito vao conseguir libertar-me desta estaca da qual o meu cao furioso ladra e ataca. O meu fiel companheiro, no entanto, ha-de continuar a puxar a corrente divina que lhe asfixia mais e mais a cada investida, contra as vontades de Deus e os seus anjos enquanto a vontade puxara de um lado e os de cima de outro. Mas todos sabemos que a vontade de Deus e mais forte e nao e pela forca desta pequena forca da Natureza ser de louvar que Ele nao acabara matando o pobre cao que sempre se recusou a ser pobre.

Esse cao ha-de ir para o ceu, ferido em forma de EU, e encontrando Aquele que domina tudo e todos dir-lhe-a olhando-o nos olhos e com a mesma forca com que comecou a corrida para longe da trincheira:

"Ainda nao acredito que tu existas!"

Sunday 24 May 2009

A Queda do Quarto Poder

Agora já só faltam as Corporações.

Poetry in me

There are so many times I fall asleep with poetry in my eyes. I let my eyelids drop to make me see that type of darkness that hypnotises my ambitions and past memories and there they come, the words. These words I cannot control or ask where they come from start making phrases, sentences, and paragraphs, coming up on this black board before me. And, oh my, I may not know what they are, what they mean or come from, but they tell me things a sleepy man would not hear and an awake man would not understand. They dig themselves within me and dance a waltz.

And as if words had bodies and could even dance, I know. But I don't understand either. I am flashed by these feelings and thoughts in shapes of words, just words, words, words. Poetry in my eyes, while I let the weight of another day of this life that never seems to end set my soul down, just resting. I have poetry writen in my eyes. Pretty words that I will shall not recall when I wake up, pretty words telling me secrets that I didn't know about myself. Secrets that I will forget and so keep them save as the waltz comes to an end, and the words disappear mysteriously, just like the way they came. They come and go and all I can do is watch them with my eyes closed. Come and go, come and go... Poetry in me.

O Primeiro Beijo

Quando os meus avos se casaram, o meu avo perguntou:
"Oh, Maria, agora que es minha, deixas-me dar-te um beijo?"
Ela respondeu que sim e ofereceu o rosto aquele que seria

o seu primeiro beijo.

Saturday 23 May 2009

It's So Easy To Fall In Love.

It's so easy to fall in love.
Just like we met - natural. And the first time we talked about random stuff. From all the stories we have to share, everything we have seen with our eyes, there we were, just talking about random stuff. And everything was so easy. Just like saying goodbye before we went home by different pathways, but both thinking on the same thing. Speaking is easy, expressing our feelings was hard and getting close for the first kiss... that was the hardest thing ever! Everytime I see you I am overwhelmed by that first kiss sensation and if you didn't come closer to meet my lips everytime we are again together, I don't know if I'd be strong enough to take that first step once more. Everytime is a new test, the same test. People can only admire something that is bigger than them, something that is mysterious and tempting and rare! This is how I feel when I see you, with those eyes and lips saying words that I understand and think to myself I don't deserve. If I was a writer, I'd be the pen on your hand, just doing everything you told me the best I can. And you would write all the random things we talked about when we first met and described our way home, just like on that first day, and that kiss, and still everything would seem to me like poetry. I have eyes, I do, but I only see one colour now. I might be going blind. Love blind? I feel like I don't need to see at all, I already have someone to guide me.

It's so easy to fall in love. It's ever so easy.

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Uma Mulher Quando Deixa de Ser Amada

Uma mulher quando deixa de ser amada
Deixa de ser uma mulher
E passa a nao existir,
Invisivel no mundo dos cegos.

Tuesday 19 May 2009

Dance Solo - 19 May 09

(You wanna click on the video when the "disabled" kinda message kicks in if you wanna watch it)

P.S. - There's nothing sexier than a girl dancing to the slow blues!

Monday 18 May 2009

The Good Vulture

The Vulture Monologue

"You have all sorts of people nowadays:
There are people who have fast-food,
There are people who don't have meat
And there are people who love big feasty barbecues.

The human race is a virus, they say, only mice will survive.
I don't really mind humans at all, or rats.
I'd go for any of them.
But in the meantime, I'll just stand here,
Stand here and wait."

Sunday 17 May 2009

Jungle Book

"If you act like that bee acts, huh huh, you are working too hard."


Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your ears;


I know, I know... not very mature.

The music and people you listen to make you what you are.

Saturday 16 May 2009

Ir em frente

Aos povos que tremem os Mundos visiveis e os que nos ultrapassam,
As mulheres que nos fazem perder os sentidos, as homens
Que me poem perguntas de raiz criativa, quero que me mostrem o caminho.
O caminho que sigo de olhos abertos com medo de os fechar.
Que me guiem sobre os vidros do destino, em pes descalcos de fantasia e emocao.
Que me levem para alem de onde ha paz e amor.
Que me levem para aquele sitio pegagoso,
Em que tudo se transforma em plasticina,
Envolvendo-nos naquela areia movedica que nos leva para baixo em direccao ao escuro,
Ao escuro que vejo de dia e de noite, que vejo de olhos abertos ou fechados,
Mas que sinto... sinto sem o tocar.

Envolve-me nesse teu suco vaginal que me faz querer fugir de desejo,
E envolve-me na saliva do homem que beijo,
Que o sexo nao tem sabor nem vontade.
Percebe o que estou a tentar dizer, descodifica o que digo
E leva-me contigo para a idade madura, escura
Aonde os vivos desejam voltar atras,
Ja que sou novo,
E so quero ir em frente.

Thursday 14 May 2009

"Feeling in England is just not productive."

Who said I want to be part of the Industry anyway?

Akhnaten - Philip Glass

SCENE 3: THE RUINS (excert)

"The new ruler, performing benefactions for his father Amon and all the gods, has made what was ruined to endure as a monument for the ages of eternity, and he has expelled the great criminal and justice was established. He surpassed what has been done previously. He fashioned his father Amon upon thirteen carrying poles, his holy image being of fine gold, lapis lazuli, and every august costly stone, whereas the majesty of this august god had been upon eleven carrying poles.

All the property of the temples has been doubled and tripled and quadrupled in silver, gold, lapis lazuli, every kind of august costly stone, royal linen, white linen, fine linen, olive oil, gum, fat, incense, myrrh, without limit to any good thing. His majesty (Life! Prosperity! Health!) has built their barques upon the river of new cedar from the terraces. They make the river shine."

Monday 11 May 2009

John Zorn and The Theatre of Musical Optics

"I think what it's all about is from a very young age I found a connection between the visual and the oral, from watching movies all the time. From watching cartoons all the time. And humm, as I went further and further out, going beyond class, rice and minimalism, I actually went even beyond sound itself. I began to feel that music was a way of manipulating a material and it didn't have to be... sound! That you could manipulate something visual.. in a musical way! And that's when the Theatre of Musical Optics came about. I always used to say to myself, humm: I'll become more well-known as a musician making regular music and I'll come back to the real revolution that I've created, the real advanced shit, that is going to be the music like from a hundred years from now, these visual performances. And who knows? hehehehe."

Saturday 9 May 2009

Friday 8 May 2009

Ticking to Be With you

Those red lips that come towards you everytime she speaks. You can taste every word she says, for she is blessed with something I understand not. I nearly kissed a man tonight, for I am too weak to kiss her. It's too strong for me and so easy, all at the same time. A man gets confused, and is consumed by those blue eyes.

How do I get out of here? How do I get in to her, make her understand that I love her? Blue eyes, freckles, long blond hair, american accent, and a name... A name that is neither mine or hers, it's Mother Earth's.

And here I go, pretending I could have kissed all the girls that want me, but still not kissing the one I really want. They give me those looks, like predators, or like preys, I don't know, and try to get me to attack, but I am too weak. I am in love, I need to make love, sex will not save me but kill me. Kill that side of me I don't understand or own and lives within me. I am weak as the wind and blown by the girls in my life I am.

One day I shall get married to her, with alcohol in my veins, for only alcohol makes me see the world with a true meaning. And people may jump on my dance floor, piss about and faint while I dance a slow with my girl, on my dance floor. We will have her grandmother in the piano playing for us. All the girls of my life, those preys that seduce me with their feminine claws shall watch everything with tears in their eyes, for one of them achieved what all of them wanted. And I tell you this, if Chelsea made it, it wasn't because I chose to, for I was never in control, I cannot control love, or myself. I am weak, so weak. As I have always been.

She is my weakness. I suppose love is weakness. I am in love and ready for whatever comes. I love her, I do, I do. And even if she doesn't, she can afford to not love me. She is already part of me, she owns me. I am her slave. And every glance she gives to the shops, every smiles she does, everytime she brushes her hair, I will be there.

If that is not love, I don't know what love is.

Thursday 7 May 2009

The omlet

Lying here, on my bed, on our nest, I was just thinking to myself. It is amazing all the stuff we do together. We have been together since that kiss, that very last kiss, that became one and two and eternity. Thanks to that kiss, everything has changed in my life. I go outside not looking at girls anymore, as if they are meaningless and could not possibly be loved by anyone; young ladies in the best shape they will ever be, young, energetic and passionate, and me there, just ignoring them. Because I am special, you made me special and now I live in this condition where everything I've always believed on is turning to be a big fat lie.

Lying there, on the grass, on the fields, I am carried away by my thoughts again. It is wonderful the things you make me think of. I have been an older brother since I was nine. I have been a boyfriend from the age of fifteen onwards. I have been a leader in class, I have been a mate and I have been a hitch hiker. But I have never been a husband. I was never married, or even more importante, I was never a father... Or in love. Not like this.

I came down to make us an omlet, so I broke the five eggs and made four sandwiches. When I came up back to our room, you weren't there. And now I know you were never there, as we never kissed, or build anything together. It has been me all the way, lying on the grass, rolling down the hill, thinking of you. Now I have four sandwiches for me.

But every bite I have is just as another kiss on your lips.

Tuesday 5 May 2009

Changeling times

"If the world used to be a stage, now it is certainly more like a Reality Show."
And in that sentence I release all my frustrations.

Monday 4 May 2009


Tu que navegas pelo Mundo de sensacoes
E voltaste a parar por aqui.
Tu que estiveste afastado,
Porque a vida é mesmo assim,
E hoje voltaste.
Ve como nada mudou, como cá continuamos.
Parte, vai-te embora,
E nunca mais te lembres de nós!

Faz por ti!

Spring Awakening

E depois do marco histórico do Rent vem o Spring Awakening, sem dar margem para dúvidas de como é melhor musical do século XXI. Inspirado num texto teatral de mesmo nome, escrito no século XIX, e censurado mais que 100 anos, sai um musical em 2007 na Broadway com um estilo pop-rock. Agora, está aqui parado no Novello Theatre. E neste Sábado vamos lá! Aqui fica um cheirinho.

Sunday 3 May 2009

Giselle - Royal Opera House

Gente leve que nos fazem leve.
Mexem-se como plantas
E aguentam-se como a Terra.
Leve, cada vez mais leve
Vem o sono que parece nunca ficar pesado.
Aquele sono que dá conforto
E faz-nos despreocupar de quando temos de acordar,
Se é que precisamos de acordar.
Só mais uma vida a dormir, só mais uma, eu prometo
Que já lá vou ter...
Se não me apetecer dormir mais um bocadinho.

Leve, leve,
Sou levado,
Neve, neve,
Sou nevado, no sono que é leve.